tirsdag den 31. juli 2012


I just got back from camp yesterday, and it was the best week in the summerbreak.
It is amazing who much people can meen too you after just 6 days, I dont think I have meet four people ever that I clicked so good whit from the start.

I was very sad to go home and there were also some tears, but I am so happy that three of them are going to visit me soon.


I'm going on a camp next week so there is conna be a little time where I don't blog, but don't worry as soon as I get home you will get a opdate about the things I have experienced there :-)

But I have to admit that I am a little nervous about going to this camp, because I am going on my own and I'm a little bit scared of that I maybe dont get that much friends because I'm not the most out going and talking person, but still I think maybe it could be good for me to get away by myself and get some new friends that wants to be with me and not the one I know from home.


You know that when you love someone but you know that it will never be you two.....
Well i know that feeling all to well.
It's like when something good happens to you or you see something cute, you think of him and wish he could be there to experience it with you, it's like when you lay in bed all by yourself you wish you could roll over and then he would be there to hold you in his arms<3

But it's also like when something bad happens to you that you think of him and again wishes that he could be there to comfort you and make you feel better, and that you know that you will feel better if you just saw him smile at you.<3

And you always gets the biggest smile on your face when he text you and butterflys in you stomach if he calls you just to ask you what you are doing, because it makes you feel special that a boy like him would even care what you are doing, and when you find out he is with his friends and still call you just to small talk you feel even more speciel.<3

It's the best and the worst feeling in the entire world


To day i was looking at some blogs and while I was reading it I thought to my self that know have I read about 5 blogs that is about common peoples every day and somehow they were all very very interesting every day and there were always that little story about something lavish. And I can't believe that almost every body that blogs don't sit and think to them selfs when they are typing that they have to give a little lie to make it special so that people are going to like it but isn't the point of blogs to tell people what you do or think not to tell them what you want to do or want to think??


Do you know the moment when you look at person and think:
-There can’t possibly be anything she can complain about, she has friends around her and she is happy and smiling and just having a good time.

But even though the person has friends around her, but you don’t know that this happy and smiling girl actually feels very alone, and that she has a very tough life and the only way she can survive is by pretending that she is happy, and that she doesn’t need more then she has.
She always the one that smiles all the time because if she doesn’t hold her pain to herself, ‘cause if she shows her pain she will break down and then she won’t have the strength to pull herself together again.

So next time you think or say to a person, no matter if it’s a girl or boy, that they shouldn’t complain about their life, ‘cause you think there are living a great and almost perfect life. Stop yourself and think twice before you say something to that person, ‘cause you never know what secrets there have on their conscience.


You know the feeling that every guy turn and look at you, because you walks and talks with so much confidence that everyone adores you?
Well….. I don’t
And sometimes it is a nice thing not being attractive to any boy, and that you can just be yourself ‘cause no one really cares about you...
I’m that girl that no one turn their heads for, I’m the girl whom no one really gives a shit about and almost any guy would dump, ‘cause if any guy ever talks to me then it is because we are just friend our he wants help to something.
But I’m also that girl who some people are frighten of ‘cause I can be very overwhelming sometimes because I put on a faced that are a very outgoing, funny and loud and even pervert person.
Sometimes I can also be that girl who just says things that should come out of much older peoples mouths’.

But when I put one those facades I don’t think of it I’m in that mode and then that’s what I am.
And the only reason I do it is because I’m too afraid to show the real me, and if the real me sometimes pops out I undermine it by doing something goofy or I just walk away.
But when I am the real me I’m that shy girl who always does her homework, because if she doesn’t have her intelligence she has nothing, and that’s me, if don’t have my intelligence and my good grades I got nothing, but me fragileness and that isn’t something I show everybody.

My fragileness is the part of me that can sit a Friday night all by itself and just cry to music or listen to Disney because it needs a break from all the grown up things there are going on around it.
The part of me that can be torn to pieces by one single person and never fully get together again.
It’s the part of me that only a little group of people gets to see, and the part of me that have been torn to pieces so many times by people I really trusted, but even though they have torn that and my heart to pieces I would still do anything to keep those people in my life, ‘cause if I have showed you my fragileness, then it means that I really care about you, and that you always will be deep in my heart whatever you do.
If you feel the same I will just give you 4 simple words…YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!