tirsdag den 1. januar 2013


I don't hate school, a mater of fact I love going to school, because it pushes all the ugly thoughts in my head away for a little while. It's the people in it I hate, all my class 'mates' that couldn't give a rats ass if I were there or not, the ones that looks at me, like I'm something they have scrapes of their shoes.

fredag den 7. december 2012

Funny to think

Isn't it funny to think about how, when you need something from me, you can write sweety, hottie and all that kind of sweet things but the minute you get what you want out of me.
Then I go back to being a nothing in your eyes and I'm not werthy more than a smiley.
And the funny thing is that I can sit for hours and hours and cry over you and think about why I keep trying to break throug your facede when it always end up hurting me.
But the funniest part is that no matter how much I think about it I can't find just one reson to stop trying, and that is because you meen the world to me and nothing lees and I wish you would see that someday.

lørdag den 10. november 2012


He is stuck in my head, I cant get him out. He is always there no matter how much I trys to tell myself that I just dont feel that way. But I do!!

And its killing me to see him everyday and just know that there will never be anything, because even if he felt just the least of what I feel it would be the biggest risk, and it would never work. I care so much about him that I in no way would wish to smash our friendship by telling him how I feel.

fredag den 19. oktober 2012


I know its dump. But I want him back, all what he brings with him.
The fights the good times, the sad times and all the other times we have had together, I could go throug all that just to be with him, I just couldnt see the meaning after the 3 break up. But now I can, cleare then ever, I want him back more then I want anything else, he means the world to me.
He was my first and my only real love, and I'm not over him and I never think I will be.

We had the most amazing 5 years together, as boyfriend and girlf´riend and as bestfriends. We laught and we cried together, we were always there for each other. I will never forget the times I was so sick and had to go home from practic and he just sat with me to my father picked me up, not saying a word just holding me close, and in that minute I could just feel my whole world vibrating trough him, and in that second I knewed, I loved him and I still know because I always get that happy feeling inside when he text me, it doesnt have to be anything speciel when he text it can be ''hey'' it still makes me happy and gives me butterflys in my stomach.

fredag den 28. september 2012

hah gay


Having the biggest laugh with my friend, because of this page.
Seriously, check it out you want regret it!!!

onsdag den 19. september 2012

I knew it

I aim, I hit and I'm right he has no interest in me what so ever. He got what he wanted out of me and now I mean nothing more then an old pair of shoes to him.
And the worst part is that I already knew because its the same every time I just can't hold on to them and I hate myself for it!!

mandag den 10. september 2012


I can't get you out of my mind, and it's frustrating!
I don't want to let you go but I don't wan't to think about you all the time because I know that, whatever I feel for you, you dont feel it back......

Someone that can put themself in my place, and know how this feels???
It's terrible and if it's realy bad it can feel like it's eating you from inside...